You need:
12 to 16 squares of coloured or origami paper
- Fold your paper square in half, open it out, then fold it in half again the other way to find the centre of the paper. Now fold all four corners into the centre of the paper.
- Rotate the square to look like a diamond and fold the top edges down to meet in the middle - you’ll make a thin diamond shape.
- Turn the thin diamond over (so that the two folded flaps are face down) and fold up the small triangle at the bottom. Now fold the whole triangle in half down the centre – the small triangle you just folded up should be on the outside. This is the first point of your star.
- Make another triangle in a different colour and slot the front of this triangle into the back of the first triangle.
- Make more colourful triangles and keep slotting them together until you’re happy with how your star looks – 12 or 16 points work well.
- Put your Pretty Paper Star on your bookshelf or hang it from the ceiling so you can always see a star, no matter what time of day it is!
Love and sparkly magic dust from Star Belle and her friends xxx