Flutters from: April 2013

Star Belle’s Pretty Paper Star

Now that it’s getting dark later, Star Belle is feeling sad that you might be tucked up in bed before she has lit up the twinkling stars. So that … more

Our friend Indy!

Nothing makes us happier than seeing your amazing pictures of special wonders and, today, we wanted to do a special post to thank our good friend Indy from Lanzarote … more

Lemonade Rainbow!

How lovely and colourful! Our Flutterbud friend Emily, who’s aged 6 and from Colchester, found this rainbow on her kitchen table! It’s caused by the sunlight shining through the … more

Easy Peazy Friendship Fun

Yippee! We’re super-delighted to feature in the latest issue of Easy Peazy again - a great magazine for little girls! This time, you can get a printed version of … more

New Colouring Fun Pages!

We know how much you all love our printable Colouring Fun pages, so we’ve made another set for you! This time, they’re all about the Magic Belles special wonders … more