One of Rainbow Belle’s favourite crafty activities is making collages and she’s not alone – some very famous artists and illustrators make collages, too.
Eric Carle is famous for his book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. All the pictures in it are made from paper, which Eric Carle painted, cut into shapes and then stuck down to make a new picture.
Henri Matisse was a famous French artist who also loved to cut out colourful shapes and make collages. One of his most famous collages is ‘The Snail’. Though it doesn’t look exactly like a snail, it’s a lot of fun to make!We made this one using leftover sweet wrappers, some glue and a square sheet of white paper.
The fun thing about collage is that you can use scraps of old paper – newspapers, birthday cards, sweet wrappers, wrapping paper – to make completely new pictures!
Why not get inspired by Matisse and Eric Carle and make a collage of your favourite animal or insect? Or you could just make a beautiful rainbow!
Whatever you choose to do, we hope you have some collage fun this week and don’t forget to email your pictures and we’ll post them in the Flutterbud Club!
Love and magic dust from the Magic Belles in Bellevue xxx